jerk or no jerk?
How would you define a jerk? Is it somebody who doesn’t have gratitude to anybody? Is it somebody who breaks all the rules of humanity that was set upon us by our ancestors? Or is it somebody who acts selfishly and hurts those people who loved him dearly?
I’ve known a person who gets addicted to some game to the extent that he wouldn’t mind if his girlfriend gets upset and breaks up with him. I’ve also known a person who breaks up with his girlfriend just because his friends told him that his current girlfriend is ugly.
Are these things the works of a jerk? Or are these things the product of childishness that comes once in a while in a human’s behavior? Do you start branding someone as a jerk because of his actions at a certain circumstance or when he’s bad to only some people but not all?
Suppose that you know someone who has an excellent way of thinking philisophically and does things according to his beliefs that according to him is the most appropriate way to live your life. You’re intrigue by his reasons and find it proper, yet you see and hear these people who have known him in the past and some in the present have this indefinable anger/resentment towards him. How do you find out if the person you know is not what other people tell you to be? Do you judge according to the treatment he gives you in the present and ignore his past because you think your friend has already shown ill feelings towards his past self or vice versa? Would you just leave a friend when he “accidentally” slips back to his old self?
For me, the best thing to do is to confront this friend and tell him that what he’s doing is childish/selfish. But life is not simple. Life has its own complications. There are many factors that you have to fix first kinda like tackling the mini-bosses then going for the real big boss. When one thinks logically, the situation would be too complicated to even solve. But the heart would say the opposite. The situation is a way to further fortify the friendship. Yes, it is somewhat pathetic; but I think it’s worth the try. Better try than nothing eh?
“Deep friendship doesn’t depend on how many times friends spend time together or how happy they are. It’s the time when you never see them yet keep on believing that the friendship will stay forever.” – text quote from JL
I agree. Sometimes people might do things to others that might seem illogical, insesitive, and imature - what the stereotypical jerk will do. But maybe if you try to disattach yourself to their situation, it can be possible that you'd come to a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, there's a deeper reason why these "jerks" are acting that way. As they say, there's always an underlying reason for an action. That deeper reason could possibly be a sensitive, mature, and logical decision that probably an apparent non-"jerk" person will make.
So I say there's no jerks.
It's all about perspective.
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